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maqaal/ illusion of progressive change/ by cabdulwaaxid cabdullahi

Illusion of Progressive Change

“Iyana waxaan kaga gudbaa gobey liicoo ha jabin” by Hassan Ganey

Nothing is permanent, but I struggle to believe good days are ahead. In fact there have been some unknown elements in our history that made us an ungovernable society, in which all leaders could not distinguish between reality and illusion. I don’t know what the missing dots are in this situation; that is why social scientist needed to look to the history of nations and human behavior. Since 1978, after the regional war between Somalia and Ethiopia, the social and political trajectory of the Somalian nation spiraled into a downturn and even today, any attempts to reverse it became jammed. This is because we have not been working systematically to understand the underlying issues that hold society together. The clues lay within character of man in general. Nationhood is defined by the amalgamation of the human character that defines its laws and its way of life. Society invents the nation, not vice-versa. Meaning, nations cannot create society; instead, societies create nations.

The cycle of elections since the Arte conference in 1999 created political conditions favorable to engage social discourse among the people of the nation. What went wrong? Before we start rebuilding the nation, first and foremost the men of the nation should have a genuine discussion about the fate of their nation. After, a genuine reconciliation will set the basic foundation for the rebirth of the nation. It needs a relentless effort along with courage and an understanding of the fabric of our society. Unfortunately, the leaders disguise their true colors with a demagogic and chauvinistic tone to reframe the empty souls that lack the philosophical sensation of nation building. Their appearance of shinny faces dressed with well-tailored silky suits and fanfare ties that roam the plastic huts and unfortunate real estate slams of Mogadishu have characterized the image of the nation. They should instead simplify the nation’s problem and not squandering the nationalistic feeling the people of Mogadishu exude.  Mogadishu is quite different than any other place in Somalia, it is an undeniable fact that the people in Mogadishu are very resilient and have overcome the destructive sentiment of tribal allegiance and their fine character have become the nation’s strength. Business innovations coupled with cultural tolerance has been gradually returning in the city.

The currently elected President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo won a landslide victory over the disliked sitting President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud. The former president’s sins included, but are not limited to: the misuse of meager resources of the nation, alignment with fateful cronies with no intent to lead, as well as having no financial discipline and political strategy to overcome the social strife in the country. Friends and foes agree that the former president’s tenure in the presidential office was a lost opportunity regardless of his strong popular support at the inception of his ascendance to the nation’s highest elected position. The liberalization of politics enhances the political vitality of the nation and creates co-ownership. It reinforces the social pillars and speeds up the change. Mahmoud portrayed himself as a tough and ruthless president with no desire to share the responsibilities of the nation with others. The hardening of his attitude resulted in his unexpected electoral defeat regardless of the 15 million dollars he spent for his re-election with his charming smile. His troubles began after people noticed the invisible hand of Damjadiid syndicate in the nation’s decision making. Mahmoud’s defeat has been hard to swallow for Damjadiid. They have barely appeared in public since, and their political mode became outdated and useless.


Mr. Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo proclaimed that he is the only hope of the nation. It’s his turn to fire up and show leadership.  However, actual substance is more important than just being honest and willing. Practical steps are needed with skillfully crafted strategy to harness the nation’s energy. The populace adored him but yet it is hard to reconcile the Farmajo we see from the savior we elected. It seems that the President favors being a ceremonial president but even so he must clearly and publicly state it. Responsibilities must be shouldered to someone. It is no coincidence that there has been an emergence of a close inner circle that sprouted around the presidential plaza led by Mr. Fahad and Tabit, the governor of Mogadishu. It is a well calculated design to control the political life of the nation. The source of government power comes from the legislative branch but many observers sense a wrong trend emerging. A closed door in politics is contrary against well needed transparency.  We can give credit to him for alleging that he is willing to fight corruption and pay the government employees on time, but that is trivial; that is not our only problem.

A fundamental political landscape has to develop during Farmajo’s tenure and the question of which mode of government should be taken should be addressed.  Although the government had openly declared that it follows a federal system, the people should have a voice in deciding the form of government for Somalia through a referendum. The question of the role of religion and governance must be publicly debated in order to diffuse the religious zealots. Unfortunately, doubts exist if the government really wants to have an open dialogue with the religious groups. It is fair to say that the government failed to convince Al-Sunna Waljama to join the mainstream government apparatus. Thus, how can they convince Al-Shabaab, which is more radical and lethal? Al-Sunna Waljama is a very moderate religious group that can be beneficial in the reconstruction of the nation. They are a formidable force to be reckoned with but I fear pushing them out will derail more the ever elusive peace. Government must fairly share the power and the responsibilities with other legitimate political entities otherwise the country will stay fragmented and each group will remain hostile against the other. How the government handles Al-Sunna Waljama determines the faith of other religious factions vying for power.  Also dialogue in the northern regions must be initiated fairly and equally to address the core issues. Up to now we have been living with the illusion of change. As a president of Somalia, Farmajo has a primary responsibility to think about the safety and well-being of the Somalian people, not the other way around.

If we have this needed and true leadership, Somalia has a great potential to overcome the ashes of its civil war. Their potential lies in the individual character of our people, their resilience, and their innovative ingenuity. A lot of Somalians abroad are capable of contributing their experience from being a part of the greater global society. However, first and foremost, we have to address the cultural clashes that exist among the society itself, religion and tribal conflicts. I believe that religion has a place in any social Islamic governance because Islamic beliefs are fundamentally ingrained in any Islamic form of government. The world community has the right to be safe and not face an Islamic threat but the Islamic society also has the right to choose the path that they are able to manage and be comfortable to guarantee lasting peace and security. It is not a crime to debate the social ills, but it is a crime to harm other human beings for their beliefs. Any leaders that can understand this complex issue prevails than if they deny this social composition, leaves behind a more harmonious world.

Tixdii  suugaan yahankii weynaa ee Cali Cilmi Afyare ee “Hah miyaad hureysaa!”

Waxay tilmaan u tahay hungowgii himiladii umadeena! Fadlan ila akhri.

  • Adigoo hub iyo haybad leh oo hodan ismoodaaya

Hadii weerar kugu soo habsado hiirta waaberiga

Sange loo han weynyahy haddaad heense kula roorto

Xakamaha hadii lagu hantiyo jare la hiigeeyey

Heelada haddii lagu raro oo la haboneysiiyo

Hirigtiyo hargaamada haduu sidii haad u lali waayo

Hah mawaad huraysaa dugaag hilib ha kaa quuto

  • Hogo kulul abaar lagu huf yiri holac isdhaafaaya

Dhirtoo hadow ka duulay iyo darkoo hora ka yeerayso

Hilaac bilig leh hogal muuqatiyo  haro jidhaamooday

Reerkoo horsed loo diro oo geedi lagu heeso

Layskuma haleeyo dameer waa hungo kale e’

Halina’ maalis bay leedihiyo mure ku haaneede

Awarkii hayina yaad hogaan kula hagaagtaaye

Jilaba haara-waynow  dhufaan karinku haar yeeshay

Oo kurusku haaneed yahay oo haybad iyo xoog leh

Hareerah wax laga joosadoo lagu hidiidaaba

Goortii la hoosimo hadduu hirig awood waayo

Hah ma-waad huraysaa allow heeryo aadan qaadin





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